1. sdamr::anchoring
  2. sdamr::cheerleader
    Data from Experiment 1 of Carragher, D.J., Thomas, N.A., Gwinn, O.S. et al. (2019) Limited evidence of hierarchical encoding in the cheerleader effect. Scientific Reports, 9, 9329. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-019-45789-6
  3. sdamr::expBelief
    Data from Experiment 5 of Gilder, T. S. E., & Heerey, E. A. (2018). The Role of Experimenter Belief in Social Priming. Psychological Science, 29(3), 403–417.
  4. sdamr::fifa2010
    Predictions by Paul the Octopus in the 2010 FIFA World Cup.
  5. sdamr::fifa2010teams
    FIFA 2010 team statistics
  6. sdamr::gestures
    Data from Winter, B., & Burkner, P. (2021) Poisson regression for linguists: A tutorial introduction to modelling count data with brms. Language and Linguistics Compass, 15, e12439 doi:10.1111/lnc3.12439 <https://doi.org/10.1111/lnc3.12439>
  7. sdamr::legacy2015
    Legacy motives and pro-environmental behaviour
  8. sdamr::metacognition
    Data from Rausch, M. & Zehetleitner, M. (2016) Visibility is not equivalent to confidence in a low contrast orientation discrimination task. Frontiers in Psychology, 7, p. 591 doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2016.00591 <https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2016.00591>
  9. sdamr::papervotes
    Data based on a post-election survey by YouGov (see <https://yougov.co.uk/topics/politics/articles-reports/2017/06/13/how-britain-voted-2017-general-election>). Note that the data was recreated by combining frequency and percentage results reported in <https://d25d2506sfb94s.cloudfront.net/cumulus_uploads/document/smo1w49ph1/InternalResults_170613_2017Election_Demographics_W.pdf>. Due to rounding and other potential inconsistencies, this data set will likely differ from the actual results.
  10. sdamr::redist2015
    Redistribution of wealth
  11. sdamr::rps
    Data from Experiment 1 in Guennouni, I., Speekenbrink, M. (2022). Transfer of learned opponent models in repeated games. Computational Brain and Behaviour, 5, 326–342 doi:10.1007/s42113-022-00133-6 <https://doi.org/10.1007/s42113-022-00133-6>. Participants (n=52) each play 50 rounds of Rock-Paper-Scissors against an AI player who either adopts a "level-1" or "level-2" strategy. A level-1 strategy assumes the opponent will repeat their last action, and chooses the action that beats this. A level-2 strategy assumes the opponent adopts a level-1 strategy, and chooses the action that beats this. On 10% of rounds, the AI players pick a random action. On the remainder, they act according to their strategy.
  12. sdamr::speeddate
    Speed dating
  13. sdamr::tetris2015
    Tetris and intrusive memories
  14. sdamr::trump2016
    Trump votes in 2016 for 50 US states and the District of Columbia
  15. sdamr::uefa2008
    Predictions by Paul the Octopus in the 2008 UEFA Cup.